Community outraged after middle school girl attacked on camera at Riverside middle school

A community is outraged after a video showing a middle school girl getting attacked on camera at Arizona Middle School in Riverside has gone viral, with many raising concerns over whether their children are safe at school.

“I see this video, my heart drops. I’m mad. I’m upset.”

Jasmin is talking about the jarring video that has recently been circulating on social media, showing the moments that her 12-year-old daughter was brutally beaten on camera last Wednesday, March 11 as school got out for the day.

“She’s still in a lot of pain,” Jasmin said. “She doesn’t eat. She doesn’t

Nikon buys RED Digital Camera, pushing into the digital cinema camera market |

Nikon has announced the acquisition of RED Digital Cinema, a US-based company known for its high-end digital cinema cameras. The deal, which will see RED become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nikon, marks a significant shift in the professional digital cinema camera market.
Founded by Jim Jannard in 2005, RED has made a name for itself with its cutting-edge cameras, including the RED One 4K and V-Raptor X, and its proprietary RAW compression technology.
The company’s cameras have been the choice of numerous Hollywood productions, earning it an Academy Award.
RED cameras have been used in numerous high-profile productions, including Marvel